Adverbs are formed from adjectives!

Unlike adjectives, they do not decline. This is because they don’t describe a noun.

They have 3 forms!


1st and 2nd Declension:

Adjectives in the 1st and 2nd declension add -e to the stem to form an adverb

-       E.g. malus, -a, -um —> male (badly)


3rd Declension

Adjectives in the 3rd declension add -iter to the stem

-       E.g. fortis, -e —> fortiter (bravely)


3rd Declension with a stem ending in -nt

Adjectives in the 3rd declension which have -nt- in the stem, add -er to the stem.

There are 2 to know:

-       diligens, dilgentis —> diligenter (carefully)

-       ingens, ingentis —> ingenter (hugely)


Irregular Adverbs:

-       Occasionally, the neuter accusative of an adjective is used as an adverb

o   facile = adverb of facilis, -e

o   multum = adverb of multus, -a, -um

-       The neuter ablative can also be used

o   e.g. multo = adverb of multus, -a, -um

-       Adverb of bonus, -a, -um = bene

-       Adverb of miser, misera, miserum = misere or miseriter

-       The adjective parvus, -a, -um often uses paulum as its adverb

-       The adjective magnus, -a, -um uses magnopere as its adverb.

-       Alius, -a, -ud = the adverb is aliter