Imperatives express commands or requests. There are many tenses, but the one you need to know is the present imperative. Imperatives are formed in the 2nd person singular and plural.
Present Active Imperative
To form the singular, take the -re off the infinitive.
To form the plural, add -te to the singular form. However, the 3rd and 3rd/4th conjugations plurals end in -ite instead of -ete.
There are some irregular imperatives:
- duco = duc, ducite
- dico = dic, dicite
- facio = fac, facite
- fero = fer, ferte
Present Passive Imperative
Here is where you need to be careful…
The present passive imperative singular is the same as the present active infinitive!
The present passive imperative plural is the same as the 2nd pl present passive indicative!