Whilst you will need to learn the vocabulary for some prepositions, you will also need to know what case they take as well! Every preposition in Latin is followed by a noun in a certain case. I have grouped the prepositions in terms of which case they take after.

Accusative Case:

  • ad + accusative = to, towards

  • circum + accusative = around

  • contra + accusative = against

  • in + accusative = into, onto (in can also be added to the beginning of verbs to show motion towards)

  • inter + accusative = among, between

  • per + accusative = through, along

  • prope + accusative = near

  • propter + accusative = on account of, because of

  • sub + accusative = under, beneath (for movement)

  • trans + accusative = across (trans can also be added to the beginning of verbs to show motion across)

Ablative Case:

  • a, ab + ablative = by, from, away from (a/ab can also be added to the beginning of verbs to show motion away from)

  • cum + ablative = with

  • de + ablative = from, down from, about

  • e, ex + ablative = from, out of, out

  • in + ablative = in, on

  • pro + ablative = in front of, for, in return for

  • sine + ablative = without

  • sub + ablative = under, beneath (for location)

Once you have learnt what case each preposition takes, it is easy to spot their noun!