Temporal clauses shows us time and is often indicated with phrases such as ‘when’, ‘since’, ‘after’ or ‘while’.

There are different words used in Latin to indicate a temporal clause.

  1. cum + indicative = since, when

    E.g. cum Caesar occiditur, ibidem fuerunt servi = When Caesar was killed, the slaves were in that place.

  2. ut + indicative = as, when

    E.g. Pompeius ut exercitus vidit, clamavit = When Pompey saw the army, he shouted.

  3. ubi (where, when) or postquam (after, when) or simulac/simulatque (as soon as) + often a perfect tense

    E.g. simulac adveni, dormivi = As soon as I arrived, I went to sleep.

  4. dum + present indicative = while

    E.g. dum ambulo, canem vidi = While I was walking, I saw a dog.

  5. dum + imperfect subjunctive = until

    E.g. in foro manebam dum consul adveniret = I was waiting in the forum until the consul arrived.