Roman settlement yields evidence of Henbane use!
In a recent archaeological discovery, researchers have stumbled upon a hollowed bone containing black henbane seeds at the Roman-period settlement of Houten-Castellum in the Netherlands. This finding provides conclusive evidence of the intentional use of henbane as a medicine or narcotic during the ancient Roman era.
Henbane, also known as ‘stinking nightshade’, is a highly toxic plant that was employed in crafting anaesthetic potions and for its psychoactive properties, capable of inducing vivid visual hallucinations. The historical accounts of its use during antiquity can be traced back to influential figures such as Pliny the Elder and Pedanius Dioscorides. Pliny described henbane as "of the nature of wine and therefore offensive to the understanding," while Dioscorides recommended it for its sedative and analgesic properties.
Dr. Maaike Groot from the Freie Universität Berlin, the lead author of the research, explains that while henbane seeds can naturally end up in archaeological sites due to the plant's proximity to settlements, the recent discovery at Houten-Castellum is unique. The hollowed bone, sealed with a black birch-bark tar plug, sheds light on intentional use rather than mere happenstance.
Photo Credit: Antiquity Journal
The research, published in the journal Antiquity, compares this finding with other instances of black henbane seeds at different sites. Surprisingly, the Houten-Castellum discovery stands alone as the first example of black henbane enclosed in a container from the Roman period.
Dr. Groot emphasizes the importance of considering the context of such finds and their relation to other medicinal plants in distinguishing between naturally occurring seeds and those intentionally used by ancient societies. This groundbreaking study not only uncovers a tangible link to the past but also sparks a broader discussion on how we interpret archaeological evidence of ancient medicinal practices.
The hollowed bone filled with black henbane seeds serves as a tangible testament to the deliberate use of medicinal plants, providing a glimpse into the intriguing world of ancient pharmacology.